Palm oil, the devil you (need to) know

November 09, 2015 2 min read

PSA: Some ingredients in our favourite personal care and cleaning products may not be harmful to us but surely are for our planet.

It's more important than ever to be conscious of what we are consuming. 

Palm oil might sound innocuous it comes at a great cost to our environment causing catastrophic damage for local wildlife, flora, fauna and waterways.

In Indonesia rising demand for palm oil has led to the clearing of tropical forests in their National Parks, not just farming land and other sensitive areas.

According to a 2007 report published by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)at the rate of deforestation at that time, an estimated 98 % of Indonesian forest would be destroyed by 2022 due to legal and illegal logging, forest fires and the development of palm oil plantations.

Now it is not only Indonesia and Malaysia but Africa that is experiencing degradation.

Palm oil originated in Africa and has been produced in smaller sustainable quantities but due to demand and economic pressure are now looking at clearing other crops and forest to plant palm oil.

Becoming environmentally aware of the damage that this cheap commodity causes is something we all should be considering.

Check ingredients lists not only in your personal and household products but your ice cream, cakes, biscuits and other food items and become a warrior against this creeping environmental disaster.

Companies are using many names to disguise palm oil in their produce. Here's a few to look out for

  • Vegetable oil
  • Alkyl poly glucoside
  • Gylceryloleate
  • Glyceryl distearate
  • Palm fruit oil
  • Palm olein
  • PEG-100 stearate
  • Peptide complex and many more

enviroCare stopped using palm oil in all of our products in 2011.

Coconut is the base for most of our product ranges. We source plantation based coconut where possible, so we are not encouraging land clearing.

Reading ingredients and commit to the cause by leaving the palm oil product on the shelf.

Alert the supermarkets and manufacturers that our community is serious about our environment and the fragility of it.

Get familiar by the many names that palm oil hides behind so that you're able to make informed decisions and help save our planet from the land clearing, animal habitat destruction, flora and fauna decimation and contamination and destruction of waterways caused by the toxic by-products of the process of the palm oil and it's derivatives.



Logistics Status & Pricing Update | 8th Feb 2022

Further to the previous logistics update, the spread of omicron variant continues to play havoc with many courier drivers, warehouse staff, forklift drivers, container unpack crews and administrators across the country.

To make logistics even more difficulty the East-West rail line is closed due to significant flooding including to both the Eyre and Stuart Highways, South Australia.

Please allow (at least) an extra 14 business days on top of your estimated date for arrival.

envirocare earth has always worked our best to minimise delivery costs but as a result of the ongoing issues affecting logistics all online orders will now attract a delivery charge.

FLAT RATES -  WA $15.00, INTERSTATE $20.00.

We encourage you to order in bulk; saving on product, delivery and helping the environment.

Your patience and understanding is appreciated and we hope that normality can return soon.

envirocare earth

Omicron Logistics Status Update | 12th Jan 22

The rapid spread of the Omicron variant has further impacted the logistics industry. This includes many courier drivers, warehouse staff, forklift drivers, container unpack crews and administrators.

Due to the widespread impact of Omicron infections, our partnered carriers across the network are experiencing both a surge in parcel deliveries and major disruptions to their delivery services. With a significant number of people in self-isolation in accordance with state regulations and public health orders, delivery delays are expected across the network due to driver shortages, depots experiencing temporary closures and/or operating with significantly reduced staff.

This has also created some lags in tracking details being updated on carrier websites.

Please allow (at least) an extra 14 business days on top of your estimated date for arrival.

Your patience and understanding is appreciated.

envirocare earth